Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stupid People

Today is one of those days when stupid people really annoy me. Normally I tolerate this intrusion on my intellectual prowess fairly well. I reserve judgment until their stupidity is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt before I start to ridicule them mercilessly inside my head. Today is not one of those days. Unfortunately the people I work with have had to take the brunt of this zero-stupidity tolerance day. A grand irritation was a conference call I was on this morning. I was trying to resolve an issue with a partner design company regarding one of the assets he had just passed off to us. After trying to explain to him what the problem was 4 different times and he still didn't understand I was forced to send him 10 different screen shots of exactly where I was seeing issues with his work. Suddenly after 45 minutes of tedious explanation the light bulb suddenly flared on in his mind and he figured out the problem. Luckily my boss hit the mute button on the phone before I could get the "this guy is a F*#&ing idiot!!" completely out. I have mixed feelings about that. Sometimes people just need to be told how idiotic they are being, if no one ever says anything then they will just assume that they are doing a fantastic job and keep on with business as usual. I have a firm belief that hiding your irritation with some one's lack of adequate intelligence is doing them a great injustice. Especially on days like today when the dense genes are flooding people's minds and slowing them down to a snail pace. Yup today is a zero tolerance day.