Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Really Girls?

I am probably one of the rarest females on earth. I don't say this because I have some weird physical deformity, or because I make more money than that average woman. No I say this because I really and truly don't care for oral sex...well that's not true, I am just not particularly fond of recieving it. Lets be honest doens't feel that great, and really after about 2 or 3 minutes of that I get very bored. Now most women will say that my feelings toward that particular form of foreplay are simply because it has never been done right. Well let me assure you that is not the case. It has been done right, by a couple of different guys...and one chick but that is another story entirely, and I was still bored. However, this particular aversion to oral does not extend the other way. I absolutely love felacio. Its one of my favorite things to do.
So now my question to all of you girls is why? Why do you enjoy that, and why do you force guys to do it when they clearly aren't interested in it at all. Is it the feeling of being catered to? Or is the the notion that they are totally focused on you and getting nothing for themselves in return? That also brings up another issue that I have often questioned. Girls, why do you insist that your man give you oral, but then refuse to do the same for him? You may not like it, but one good turn deserves another in my book.
I bring this up because I finally had to have that conversation with the boyfriend last night. He, for reasons unbeknownst to me, really enjoys giving girls oral. So far I have been a good sport and let him when he asks for it. However, last night I just couldn't give it the level of attention that he obviously was, and that didn't seem fair so I stopped him. Immediately he was offended and hurt (who knew). I had to spend a good 20 minutes reassuring him that it wasn't that I wasn't attracted to him, and that of course I love the sex...I just really get bored with oral...well at least oral being done to me. He finally seemed to get the message and I am hoping we wont have to deal with the issue again, but it makes me curious if more guys feel that way. Or if more girls feel the way I do...

Monday, August 11, 2008

You've Got Mail

Meg Ryan had a line in the movie where she said that she likes to start her emails like she is already in the middle of a conversation. I think that is an appropriate way to begin any sort of generalized writing. Also begin like someone has just joined you in the middle of a conversation, it keeps people interested in learing more.
I have read innumerable blogs where the author (always anonymous) has ended up recieving a much celebrated book deal, thrusting them from anon status straight into the limelight. I'm pretty sure this isn't going to end up as one of those blogs. So for those of you who were wondering if one day you would get to find out who I am, you are probably wrong. Sorry (not really but it sounded like a good thing to say).
I will probably write here often, and mostly it will be about things that you probably wont care about, but maybe can relate to. If not, maybe you will enjoy reading it anyway. Either way I am really not here to please you, I write to please me, and everything else be damned.
With that said...welcome!