Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I want someone I can't have. Not because he doesn't want me back, or because I am with someone else (I am but that's not the point), its strictly because of distance. He lives in California which presents a challenge in completing the intense physical need that we both have for each other. No one has ever gotten me as hot and bothered as he does, and it drives me absolutely crazy that I can't have him. I have never had this issue before. If I want something or someone I get it, one way or another. But no matter what I do my plans to have him are always spoiled. Either he can't get time off work to come here like he planned, or when he is here my guy won’t leave me alone long enough. Just thinking about him completely distracts me from everything else I should be doing. My sexual frustration with this man is reaching levels hither to unknown by me. I wonder if I will want him this badly once I have had him. Granted I am going to need a full week to live out all of the fantasies and desires I have for him, but once that is over will I still feel that pull when he calls or texts me? Anyone else ever had this situation with someone? The want for them is all consuming, but does that want last after you have had them?
I am texting him now and I can barely keep my mind on work. Good thing I keep toys in the car for just such an emergency!

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